Welcome to Autumn 2024

It’s been an exciting summer round here, with some new hardware arriving in the lab and some old favourites being refreshed and revitalised. Nothing beats a happy week of re-capping vintage synths 😀 We’re hoping to get you some quirky and cool machines in the next few months, so definitely watch this space for more on that.

We’re also looking at overhauling some of our prices, particularly the drum machines in the Beat Room, which have been sitting there at a ridiculously reasonable €6 each for many years now. A word to the wise: a change is a-comin’, so if you’re tempted by some crusty old analogue (or early-bit-depth digital) rhythms, it might be good to grab them now, before Mongo gets all excitable and prices them up a bit.

In personal news, the Secret Project we mentioned some months back is making good progress and we hope to be able to share more about that sometime in the medium future. Given that it’s entirely non-musical in nature, it may leave you scratching your head a bit. But isn’t that what we’re for?

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